This template named Senang, because it's easy to be used.
Appearance is quite simple, with only the use of css code that is relatively easy loding blog.
Difference this time only, display the sidebar on the right when the homepages and will move the left side, when we read the full article.
How to edit my template Senang.
At the start from the top,
Find the code like this:
<div id="header-wrapper">
if it is found look on it, you'll see code like this.
<a class='mailto
:#'><img alt='Mail' height='23' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiWY6eP4dwvn2ShNfV8lmWYR_-TRP6bmMcybf-ect9bi0sr1JZC4EU9frpRmIbBT-hVVlQ5rnpdSw1iR8ItshVVdtRGfGJX8t3JGe6peLEbchhCPCgBo7EMHDp7CAxJgBG4wsgjCG9E6MQ/s1600/Mail.png' width='36'/></a>
See who marked (
#) replace the mail widget.
How to edit the menu bar:
Find the code like this:
<div id='content-wrapper'>
If you've found look under it, edit to suit your blog.
The only one way to edit the template, to its name.
READ MORE - Template Senang